Sunday, May 3, 2009


Dear Nathan, Tim and Timothy:
I don’t know if you all will read this last blog, but just in case I wanted to wish the graduates “the best” in their lives and ministries. May our God go with you guys anywhere you will go to serve Him and glorify His name.
For Tim I hope you have a great summer!. I enjoyed and learned a lot from all of you guys. Thank you very much!
Blessing of our Lord!

Ch. 11- Ana

Chapter 11

1. What do the author's state is the primary purpose of the Book of Revelation? How do you respond to this view?
According to the author, the book of Revelation’s primary purpose is to talk about the present and ‘The End’ times. He states God is active in world’s history and His ultimate purpose is to reach victory and put the universe under His control.
I agree that God is active and will continue be active in world’s history as His Word talks about the present, future but also the past. If past Scriptural prophesies had been exactly fulfilled, we can be absolutely sure that future prophesies will be as well, even when we don’t fully understand them. Now, I don’t agree with the author’s statement (in his words) that God will “conform the universe to His purpose, under His control.” God is already in control of the universe, the Scripture shows us in Job that Satan ‘asked for permission to temp Job’, so; even when we don’t fully understand why He allows certain things to happen, He is still in control. If He wouldn’t He wouldn’t be sovereign and almighty, He wouldn’t be God, but HE IS GOD! He was, He is and He will always be in control. Alleluia!.

2. What literary form, often employed by intertestamental Jewish writers, is also used in the book of Revelation? Why is this significant to the study of Revelation?
Intertestamental Jewish use Apocalyptic literary form as it occurs in both the Old and New Testament. This is a “distinct literary genre” that utilizes visions and symbolism as in the case of the book of Revelations.

3. How do you think world events could affect someone’s view of the millennium?
It can affect in different ways depending of their believes, personality, knowledge about the ‘End Time’ and faith, I believe. I heard some people feeling scare with the idea that the End is coming, I seen others rejoicing and working earnestly, there are others who might see it with disbelief since so many people had “predict” the Last Day and nothing had happened; or because many had heard for years and years that we are living in the end times but live seems to go on, as in the case of Y2K. Now the generalized view appears to be skepticism. There is still many people who deny that a “loving God” could judge people in such a terrible way. I am not sure about our Christian churches but I personally don’t hear many connecting the two things nor rejoicing for the Second Coming. Maybe a serious and deep study of Scripture compare with the current world events might prepare Christians first to properly respond to the imminent Return of our Lord but also to reach earnestly to others who desperately need the hope and faith that we have. It definitely needs to start with each of us first.

Ch 11. Npenland

1. What do the author's state is the primary purpose of the Book of Revelation? How do you respond to this view?
Revelation states that God's people are living in between the times. Scott sees Revelation as an example of the type of prophetic writings which address and alludes to events of the author's own time and also the future. He believes is addresses the experiences of Christians living at the end ofthe first century, during the time of persecution by Emporer Domition.
I personally am weak in studying Revelation. I know that John is addressing specific churches, but I am not sure what alludes to the 1st century and what is directed towards teh end times.

2. What literary form, often employed by intertestamental Jewish writers, is also used in the book of Revelation? Why is this significant to the study of Revelation?
Scott describes the literary form as philosophical orientation. This is significant because we are left to answer when the events are going to occur. Whether they be in the first century or at the end times.

3. How do you think world events could affect someone‟s view of the millennium?

I think people look at world events in the present and try to predict when the millennium is going to begin. They see Tsunamis and earthquakes or any other natural disaster and predict that Christ is coming soon. There is also alot of emphasis on the Middle East and Israel. The political nature and role in different wars. Some look at these to try to determine when the millennium will begin. I am not sure if this is what they wanted, but I tried to answer the best I could.