Monday, February 16, 2009

1. What did the Jewish people expect the "Kingdom of God" to look like in redeeming Israel? Did these views mirror Jesus? (p. 49-55)

The Jewish people expected the Kingdom of God to be a renewal of all that had been under the Kingdom of Satan. In other words the Kingdom of God entailed national deliverance, cosmic renewal social order and the spiritual disposition of people would be changed. Ultimately the Kingdom of God was seen as a "reassertion of Gods right to rule over the universe and bringing humankind under his authority."

By all means did the Jewish views mirrored Jesus' plan and action. Little did many of them know that Christ was the Messiah. One aspect that I believe the Jewish people did not have a good grasp of was the process in which the Kingdom of God would manifest itself. For one Christs death but also the renewal process it seems was expected to happen automatically and fully at the coming of the Messiah. Renewal did come but suffering and struggle still remain at the surprise of some Jewish people.

2. Did the Synoptic gospels suggest the idea of 'Messianic Secrecy'? If so, did Scott's explanation suggest a strong reason for Jesus to deliberately conceal his identity? (p.55-6)

Who really knows the answer to this? From my point of view Scott's illustration and explanation of the differing views concerning the Messianic Secrecy it by all means is a possibility. Parts of the Synoptic Gospels does allude to such a secret but for what reasons I am not sure.

3. Why did Jesus want to be baptized? Why was this significant enlight of the Jews?

The reason for the baptism of Jesus was for identification with sinners. I also believe it was a public statement of his Messiahship, as well as the beginning of his ministry.

4. According to the text, has the Kingdom of God arrived or are we still awaiting its arrival?

I believe yes, the Kingdom of God has arrived. I do not believe it has completely been fulfilled or has eliminated all of the Kingdom of Satan from this world. However, the path in which we do have freedom from the Kingdom of Satan has been paved and is one in which we are able to walk on as a result of Christs death and resurrection.


  1. Tim:

    I guess what the book said on pag. 49 about the 'Messianic Secrecy' is that Jesus didn't want His identity as the Messiah revealed until the full Plan of Salvation was accomplish meaning all the prophesies fulfill so they will understand God’s Plan to save them from sin and not the way they expected the Messiah.

    I just heard someone saying all the prophesies had been fulfilled so Jesus can come any minute. I was not aware that ‘all’ had been fulfilled. Do you know something about this?

  2. Ana good question, I have no idea. I think we might pose that question to one of our other group members with partially fulfilled M.Div degrees. Nathan and Timothy what do you guys think about all the prophesies being fulfilled already?

  3. I personally believe that the Messianic Secret had a great deal to do with the misconceptions of the Jewish people as to how the Messiah would present himself. They were expecting a king, a ruler, a man who was going to come and bring justice to all the nations who had wronged the people of God. They did not expect the Messiah to die of crucifixion and they certainly would not have associated him with the Suffering Servant presented in Isaiah.

    Therefore, it was necessary for Jesus being claimed as the Messiah to be silenced until the completion of Jesus' mission had been fulfilled. Otherwise, the people would have not understood GOD'S PLAN for the Messiah. God's plan for the Messiah was to suffer and die for the sins of mankind while the people, if they had their way, would have put him on the throne then and there (which they attempt to do at one point and he passes through their midst).

  4. I agree with Tim F. Jesus proclaimed who He was if one was looking for it. He didn't neccesarily keep it a secret, but wasn't proclaiming it on the rooftops either. About all prophecies being fulfilled, I have no idea. Many have been making these claims for years and have yet to be correct. We go back to only the Lord knowing the time of His return. I have a feeling that the prophecies might be a bit more detailed than what man can understand. So if someone claims that all have been fulfilled, I would take it as an opinion that that person has taken.
