Sunday, February 15, 2009

Chapter 2

1. What did the Jewish people expect the "Kingdom of God" to look like in redeeming Israel? Did these views mirror Jesus? (p. 49-55)

They expected Satan to lose control over the material world. This in turn will solve their individual, social and environmental among other problems they had. They wanted to be recognized as the greatest of all nations and have the dominion of the political sphere.

2. Did the Synoptic gospels suggest the idea of 'Messianic Secrecy'? If so, did Scott's explanation suggest a strong reason for Jesus to deliberately conceal his identity? (p.55-6)

Yes, Jesus purpose of keeping “The Messianic Secret” might e due of timing. He didn’t want his Messiahship to be known until his death and mostly his resurrection when all His teachings and purpose of His coming will be clarified to all the ones who wanted to believe.

3. Why did Jesus want to be baptized? Why was this significant in light of the Jews? (pg. 52)

He wanted to be baptized because this will identify Him with John’s ministry in the fact that one can have a relationship with God. This was also the beginning of his commission; but most importantly because during His baptism the Jews could have recognized His Messiahship because the coming of the Holy Spirit, according to Isaiah was the symbol of His anointing, coronation or inauguration as the Servant of God. The declaration of the Father, according to Isaiah and Psalm 2 would associate Him with the family of King David, as a servant who will accomplish His mission thorough suffering but most that anything else as the ‘beloved Son’, the One who pleases the Father.

4. According to the text, has the Kingdom of God arrived or are we still awaiting its arrival?

According to the author of the text the Kingdom of God come when our Lord Jesus became flesh and dwell among us, bringing us the New Covenant, the hope of salvation and the expectation of being in the Kingdom of God one day.

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