Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ch. 6
1. A believer should live in relationship. in relationship with others, self and God. Additionally and ultimately I believe a Christian ought to live in Christ, under the sovereignty of God whose purpose is to live for the praise of His glory.
2.Its goal is the restoration of the divine image, of Gods purposes and eventually, glorification. And of course I agree, I like many others believe that God intended our relationship with Him, our entire being to be in union with Him. This includes bearing the image that He intended from the beginning which was blameless, fully complete and absent of sin. However we know that it didn't work out that way until Christ made it possible for us after His death and resurrection.
3.We are in constant battle! The battle between the old and the new creation is part of this world as a result of sin and a new life found in Christ. If this tension was left out of the story how much more people might be confused; not knowing that this tension was part of this life and then not knowing how to react to such tensions. Not knowing that this tension exists could lead people down some very rough roads of unfulfilled expectations and major disappointments.


  1. I;m not picking on you, just a question. What would be some secondary goals of the Christian Life?

  2. I might be wrong but maybe a secondary goal could be reflecting Jesus' character to others throught the fruit of the Spirit; being His voice, hands and feet here on earth and living the abundant life He wants us to have so others will desire to get to know Him too.

  3. Thank you Ana, that is a very good example of secondary goals of the Christian life. Additionally I believe that another goal of the Christian life would be evangelization, telling some people about Him.

  4. Yeah, it is amazing how the primary goal will influence all the secondary. I guess the struggle is keeping focus on who we are to become in Christ, so that the other qualities come through.
