Wednesday, March 4, 2009


1.) Reconciliation: Are we reconciled to God, or is God reconciled to us, or both? Explain.
According to Scott we are reconciled to God. To be honest I am not following the possibility of God being reconciled to us or the both argument. According to the Greek word reconcile, ‘katalla’, the process of reconciliation is a one sided action. Romans 5:8 demonstrates this one sided reconciliation process well, “…while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.” In other words, reconciliation by definition includes both parties taking part in reconciliation; however, it does not play out like this in the process that occurred as a result of Christ’s death. We were sinning and God, in His great love, still chose to die in order that we might be reconciled to him.
2.) How did Jews and Gentiles differ in their view of salvation? How should a Christian view salvation?
The difference between Jewish and Gentiles belief in salvation varied little, in my understanding. The meaning of salvation generally meant that one would be spared from a dangerous physical circumstances, saved, at peace. Salvation also meant that one was not fearful of death; it gave men purpose, and meaning. Christians on the other hand can experience salvation in the same way that both Jews and Gentiles did in a literary sense but ultimately salvation, Salvation from God, is to mean “deliverance from sin, guilt, and punishment, from the separation and enmity it brings between God and a person.”
3.) What is “kerugma” and what is it made up of according to Scott? Would you agree or disagree with his position – justify your answer.
“Kerugma” is the term for preaching or proclaiming. According to Scott or C.H. Dodd, it is made up of the following:
1. The age of fulfillment has come, the Messiah is here.
2. Jesus of Nazareth
a. Descendent of David
b. He taught, did good works and carried out powerful works by God
c. He was crucified
d. He was raised
3. Church was witness
4. Christ was exalted into Heaven at right hand of God
5. The Holy Spirit is in the Church and is seal of Christ’s present power and glory
6. Jesus will return for judgment and restoration
7. All who hear should repent and be baptized of sins
I would completely agree. All aspects of ‘kerugma’ are truthful and needed for one to experience salvation in Christ Jesus. I’m not sure if I have answered according to the liking of Ana or the one who came up with this question, I’ll guess we’ll see…comment away.


  1. Good job Tim, you impress me with the fancy words. I can tell you pay close attention to your reading. I am just not sure if I could say we needed all the aspects of the Kerygma for salvation. At least in my personal experience, I didn’t understand some of those things such as: the meaning of restoration, that Jesus was from the seed of David, etc. (I didn’t even know who David was ;) true! I come from a Catholic background) until months or maybe years later from the time I was saved. Well, I don’t know. ..
    I just learned the Holy Spirit starts working even before we are saved, so, I guess it is possible to have it that way. How about you, did you get all of those when you were saved?

  2. Oh not at all, I didnt fully grasp when I was saved nor would I claim to know fully all aspects of the Kerygma now. I would agree with you in that all aspects of the Kerygma do not neseccarily need to be understood in order to experience salvation. I guess what I was trying to say was that all aspects of the Kerygma are part of a life joined with Christ. I know a lot of people and myself,who don't fully understand certain aspects of the Kerygma however, I still consider myself a Christian and others alike. Thank you for the encouragement and for sharing your thoughts

  3. No problem! Then I completely agree, all the aspects of the kerygma are important steps on our lives’ journey.
