Saturday, March 7, 2009

npenland Chapter 5

1. Reconciliation: Are we reconciled to God, or is God reconciled to us, or both? Explain. (p111-112)
I have a hard time with claiming that God is reconciled to us. He is the One who is perfect, which all other standards are measured again. It seems that we are striving toward that perfection as well (James 1:4). If God has to change so that we can be reconciled to each other, then is he becoming less than what He already is? There has not been a need for God to be reconciled, but there has been a need for man who is imperfect to be reconciled. So I think that we are reconciled to God, He brings us to Him through Christ.

2. How did Jews and Gentiles differ in their view of salvation? How should a Christian view salvation? (p103-104)
Gentiles sought salvation from purposelessness, fear of death, nameless insecurities of life, and unseen powers
Jews sought salvation from penalty of breaking God's law
Christians veiw slavation as being delievered from sin, it's guilt and punishment, and eternal seperation from God.

It is amazing that Christ brought this Salvation to all of these groups. He met the needs of those that He calls. I feel that the Christian view mentioned above is correct, it is not all that Christ was intending when He came to offer Salvation. He came so the my have life abundantly, or to the fullest. I think that Christians revert back to both the Jewish and Gentile way of thinking and worrying about doing things right or even being paralized spiritually by their insecurities. If we really grasp what Christ has done by delivering us from our sins, then it liberates us to follow Him in this abundant life.

3. What is "kerugma" and what is it made up of according to Scott? Would you agree or disagree with his position – justify your answer. (p106)
kerugma- proclamation or preaching
Accoring to Scott it is
1. The Age of fulfillment predicted in the Old Testament, the Messiah has come
2. This has taken place in Jesus of Nazareth
A. Descended from David
B. Taught and did good works by the power of God
C. Crucified according to God's purpose
D. Raised by the power of God
3. The Church is a witness to these things
4. He has been exalted to the right hand of God and is Lord of all
5. Holy Spirit in the Church is now the seal of Christ's present power and glory
6. Jesus will come again for judgement and restoration
7. Therefore all who hear should repent and be baptized.

Yeah, I would agree. It seems that we tend to focus on number two while we evangelize to others. I think that we tend to forget that this plan of slavation was planned throughout history. I even forget that Christ is seated at the right hand of God waiting for the time to come and judge the world. I think if I would focus on the whole of this account it would create more urgency in evangelism in my life.


  1. I would agree with you Nathan, as to the focusing on the whole which might create more of an urgency in all of our lives for evangelism.

  2. I could not agree more. I think the more people can hear about the truth of what all has gone down the more people will take a listen.

  3. Good insight guys. Reading your answers helped me understand the questions better. You are completely right I don’t think God needed seek to reconcile us. He is God, He could just wiped us out of the world and create a New Nation, instead, as a good Creator, He loved His creation so much that He choose to restore us, even paying a great price, the life of His begotten Son. Wow… I never thought about this before.

  4. On the last question you are right Nathan, I myself focused on those things and forgot the big picture. There is more to salvation than the work of the cross, which is extremely important, but we need to remember and teach to others like you say, that Judgment is coming and soon.
    I watch “Tribulation Force” from the Left Behind Series over the weekend and it gave me chills when they talk about the currencies collapsing due to a financial crisis and the need to create a world’ currency. Yes, I guess is closer… our Lord’s coming is closer.
